PAG Dictionary
PAG File
It is a self-developed binary animation file format designed by designers in AE, and can be exported through PAGExporter.
An AE export plugin that can export PAG files.
It is a desktop preview tool that enables previewing pag files and supports both macOS and Windows platforms.
Vector Export
The default export method for the export plugin PAGExporter is used to export small files with excellent rendering performance. While it covers commonly used AE features, it may not include more advanced elements such as particle effects and third-party plugin special effects.
BMP Composition Export
The PAGExporter export plugin includes an export method that allows for exporting all AE features, but it does not support runtime editing. This method encodes rendered screenshots into video or image sequences, making it suitable for scenarios where direct export of certain AE features is not possible.
Mixed Export
The export plugin PAGExporter combines vector export and BMP composition, eliminating the need to select BMP composition in the root node. This export method not only preserves animation editability but also provides full support for AE features.
BMP Composition
There are two formats for encoding: video sequence frame and image sequence frame. By default, the encoding format is video sequence frame. You can customize the export encoding format in the plugin options configuration panel. Additionally, you can check the specific composition or layer in PAGEExporter. The composition or layer will be present in the BMP composition format within the pag file.
Bitmap Sequence
The plugin options configuration panel allows you to specify the encoding format for BMP composition. Once configured, the chosen composition in BMP will be exported as a bitmap sequence.
Video Sequence
It is an encoding format of BMP composition, which is the default value in the plugin options configuration panel. Once set, the composition checked by BMP will be exported in the format of video sequence.
Placeholder Image
It refers to the default image of the image layer in the pag file, which supports replacement through the API interface.