Common API Overview
PAG 的渲染图层,PAG 是一个树状结构,PAGLayer 相当于树状结构中的叶子节点。PAG 对外暴露的渲染图层包括 PAGImageLayer (图片图层)、 PAGTextLayer (文本图层)、PAGSolidLayer(实色图层),只有这些图层可以二次改编辑。
PAGLayer 主要提供了以下能力:
以 C++ 层接口为例 ( PAG 的对外接口保持各平台一致性),通过 setMatrix 可以控制图层的位移、缩放和扭曲,通过 setVisible 控制 图层的显示与隐藏,通过 localTimeToGlobal 获取该图层相对于主渲染时间轴的具体时间,通过 setStartTime 设置图层相对于主时间轴的开始时间,通过设置 setExcludedFromTimeline 可以控制该图层渲染是否脱离主时间轴由接入方控制。
// C++
* A matrix object containing values that alter the scaling, rotation, and translation of the
* layer. Altering it does not change the animation matrix, and it will be concatenated to current
* animation matrix for displaying.
Matrix matrix() const;
void setMatrix(const Matrix& value);
* Whether or not the layer is visible.
bool visible() const;
* Set the visible of the layer.
void setVisible(bool value);
* Converts the time from the PAGLayer's (local) timeline to the PAGSurface (global) timeline. The
* time is in microseconds.
int64_t localTimeToGlobal(int64_t localTime) const;
* Converts the time from the PAGSurface (global) to the PAGLayer's (local) timeline timeline. The
* time is in microseconds.
int64_t globalToLocalTime(int64_t globalTime) const;
* The start time of the layer in microseconds, indicates the start position of the visible range
* in parent composition. It could be negative value.
int64_t startTime() const;
* Set the start time of the layer, in microseconds.
void setStartTime(int64_t time);
* Indicate whether this layer is excluded from parent's timeline. If set to true, this layer's
* current time will not change when parent's current time changes.
bool excludedFromTimeline() const;
* Set the excludedFromTimeline flag of this layer.
void setExcludedFromTimeline(bool value);
PAGImageView 为图片图层,支持通过 replaceImage 的方法替换默认占位图,同时支持通过 imageBytes 获取默认占位图的数据。由于 PAG 专注于动效渲染,音视频编辑相关内容不属于 PAG SDK 的范畴,社区版是不支持占位图替换视频的,如果需要替换视频可以接入 PAG 企业版。
// C++
* Replace the original image content with the specified PAGImage object.
* Passing in null for the image parameter resets the layer to its default image content.
* The setImage() method only modifies the content of the calling PAGImageLayer.
* @param image The PAGImage object to replace with.
void setImage(std::shared_ptr<PAGImage> image);
* The default image data of this layer, which is webp format.
ByteData* imageBytes() const;
PAGImageLayer 支持用户自己创建,支持指定开始时间和时长,典型的应用场景中将一个外部视频添加到 pag 渲染数据。
* Make a PAGImageLayer with with, height and duration(in microseconds).
static std::shared_ptr<PAGImageLayer> Make(int width, int height, int64_t duration);
PAGTextLayer 为文本图层,支持用户修改默认的文本信息、文本颜色、更换字体、字体大小等。
// C++
* Returns the text layer’s fill color.
Color fillColor() const;
* Set the text layer’s fill color.
void setFillColor(const Color& value);
* Returns the text layer's font.
PAGFont font() const;
* Set the text layer's font.
void setFont(const PAGFont& font);
* Returns the text layer's font size.
float fontSize() const;
* Set the text layer's font size.
void setFontSize(float size);
* Returns the text layer's stroke color.
Color strokeColor() const;
* Set the text layer's stroke color.
void setStrokeColor(const Color& color);
* Returns the text layer's text.
std::string text() const;
* Set the text layer's text.
void setText(const std::string& text);
为了方便修改文本数据,C++ 封装了 TextDocument 类,支持修改文本的排版、斜体、描边信息等,对应 iOS、Android 平台的 PAGText 类。
* When true, the text layer shows a fill.
bool applyFill = true;
* When true, the text layer shows a stroke.
bool applyStroke = false;
* Readonly, external modifications are not valid.
float baselineShift = 0;
* When true, the text layer is paragraph (bounded) text.
* Readonly, external modifications are not valid.
bool boxText = false;
* Readonly, external modifications are not valid.
Point boxTextPos = Point::Zero();
* For box text, the pixel dimensions for the text bounds.
* Readonly, external modifications are not valid.
Point boxTextSize = Point::Zero();
* Readonly, external modifications are not valid.
float firstBaseLine = 0;
bool fauxBold = false;
bool fauxItalic = false;
* The text layer’s fill color.
Color fillColor = Black;
* A string with the name of the font family.
std::string fontFamily = "";
* A string with the style information — e.g., “bold”, “italic”.
std::string fontStyle = "";
* The text layer’s font size in pixels.
float fontSize = 24;
* The text layer’s stroke color.
Color strokeColor = Black;
* Indicates the rendering order for the fill and stroke of a text layer.
* Readonly, external modifications are not valid.
bool strokeOverFill = true;
* The text layer’s stroke thickness.
float strokeWidth = 1;
* The text layer’s Source Text value.
std::string text = "";
* The paragraph justification for the text layer.
Enum justification = ParagraphJustification::LeftJustify;
* The space between lines, 0 indicates 'auto', which is fontSize * 1.2
float leading = 0;
* The text layer’s spacing between characters.
float tracking = 0;
* The text layer’s background color
Color backgroundColor = White;
PAGSolidLayer 为实色图层,支持修改实色图层的颜色
// C++
* Returns the layer's solid color.
Color solidColor();
* Set the the layer's solid color.
void setSolidColor(const Color& value);
PAGComponsition 是渲染树中的容器,继承于 PAGLayer,可以包含多个 PAGLayer,支持用户自己创建,支持增加、删除、更换渲染顺序,支持通过图层名称获取该名称对应的图层。
// C++
* Returns the number of child layers of this composition.
int numChildren() const;
* Returns the child layer that exists at the specified index.
* @param index The index position of the child layer.
* @returns The child layer at the specified index position.
std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> getLayerAt(int index) const;
* Returns the index position of a child layer.
* @param pagLayer The layer instance to identify.
* @returns The index position of the child layer to identify.
int getLayerIndex(std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> pagLayer) const;
* Changes the position of an existing child layer in the composition. This affects the layering
* of child layers.
* @param pagLayer The child layer for which you want to change the index number.
* @param index The resulting index number for the child layer.
void setLayerIndex(std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> pagLayer, int index);
* Add a PAGLayer to current PAGComposition at the top. If you add a layer that already has a
* different PAGComposition object as a parent, the layer is removed from the other PAGComposition
* object.
bool addLayer(std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> pagLayer);
* Add a PAGLayer to current PAGComposition at the specified index. If you add a layer that
* already has a different PAGComposition object as a parent, the layer is removed from the other
* PAGComposition object.
bool addLayerAt(std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> pagLayer, int index);
* Check whether current PAGComposition contains the specified pagLayer.
bool contains(std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> pagLayer) const;
* Remove the specified PAGLayer from current PAGComposition.
std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> removeLayer(std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> pagLayer);
* Remove the PAGLayer at specified index from current PAGComposition.
std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> removeLayerAt(int index);
* Remove all PAGLayers from current PAGComposition.
void removeAllLayers();
* Swap the layers.
void swapLayer(std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> pagLayer1, std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> pagLayer2);
* Swap the layers at the specified index.
void swapLayerAt(int index1, int index2);
PAGFile 继承于 PAGComposition,不支持自己创建,通过加载 pag 文件获得,相对比 PAGComposition,PAGFile 增加了替换文本图层和图片图层内容的接口,因此如果需要编辑文本图层和图片图层的内容,一方面可以通过图层自身的接口,另一方面可以通过 PAGFile 的接口。
// C++
* Replace the text data of the specified index. The index ranges from 0 to PAGFile.numTexts - 1.
* Passing in null for the textData parameter will reset it to default text data.
void replaceText(int editableTextIndex, std::shared_ptr<TextDocument> textData);
* Replace file's image content of the specified index with a PAGImage object. The index ranges from
* 0 to PAGFile.numImages - 1. Passing in null for the image parameter will reset it to default
* image content.
void replaceImage(int editableImageIndex, std::shared_ptr<PAGImage> image);
* Replace file's image content of the specified layer name with a PAGImage object.
* Passing in null for the image parameter will reset it to default image content.
void replaceImageByName(const std::string& layerName, std::shared_ptr<PAGImage> image);
PAGSurface 是 PAG 的渲染画布。PAGSurface 的创建, iOS 平台可以通过 CVPixelBufferRef、尺寸(内部同样创建的是 CVPixelBufferRef), Android 平台可以通过 Surface、SurfaceTexture、TextureID、尺寸等创建,不同的创建方法对应 不同的应用场景。PAGSurface 提供了获取单帧渲染数据的接口,支持获取 BGRA 数据、CVPixelBufferRef 和Bitmap。
// OC
* Creates a new PAGSurface from specified CAEAGLLayer. The GPU context will be created internally
* by PAGSurface.
+ (PAGSurface*)FromLayer:(CAEAGLLayer*)layer;
* Creates a new PAGSurface from specified CVPixelBuffer. The GPU context will be created internally
* by PAGSurface.
+ (PAGSurface*)FromCVPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer;
* Creates a new PAGSurface from specified CVPixelBuffer and EAGLContext. Multiple PAGSurfaces with
* the same context share the same GPU caches. The caches are not destroyed when resetting a
* PAGPlayer's surface to another PAGSurface with the same context.
+ (PAGSurface*)FromCVPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer context:(EAGLContext*)eaglContext;
* Creates a offscreen PAGSurface of specified size. PAGSurface internally creates a CVPixelBuffer
* which can be accessed by [PAGSurface getCVPixelBuffer] after the first [PAGPLayer flush].
+ (PAGSurface*)MakeOffscreen:(CGSize)size;
* Returns the internal CVPixelBuffer object associated with this PAGSurface, returns nil if this
* PAGSurface is created by [PAGSurface FromLayer].
- (CVPixelBufferRef)getCVPixelBuffer;
* Returns a CVPixelBuffer object capturing the contents of the PAGSurface. Subsequent rendering of
* the PAGSurface will not be captured.
- (CVPixelBufferRef)makeSnapshot;
* Copies the pixels of the PAGSurface to the specified memory address. The format of the copied
* pixels is in the BGRA color type with the premultiplied alpha type. Returns false if failed.
- (BOOL)copyPixelsTo:(void*)pixels rowBytes:(size_t)rowBytes;
// java
public static PAGSurface MakeOffscreen(int width, int height);
public static PAGSurface FromSurfaceTexture(SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture);
public static PAGSurface FromSurfaceTexture(SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture, EGLContext shareContext);
public static PAGSurface FromSurface(Surface surface);
* Create a PAGSurface from specified OpenGL texture, return null if there is no current OpenGL context or the
* texture is invalid. Note:
* 1. The target of texture must be GL_TEXTURE_2D.
* 2. The texture should not bind to any frameBuffer.
* 3. PAG will use the current (OpenGL) context.
public static PAGSurface FromTexture(int textureID, int width, int height);
* Create a PAGSurface from specified OpenGL texture, return null if there is no current OpenGL context or the
* texture is invalid. Note:
* 1. The target of texture must be GL_TEXTURE_2D.
* 2. The texture should not bind to any frameBuffer.
* 3. PAG will use the current (OpenGL) context.
public static PAGSurface FromTexture(int textureID, int width, int height, boolean flipY);
* Create a PAGSurface from specified OpenGL texture, return null if there is no current OpenGL context or the
* texture is invalid. Note:
* 1. The target of texture must be GL_TEXTURE_2D.
* 2. The texture should not bind to any frameBuffer.
* 3. PAG will use a shared (OpenGL) context with the current.
* 4. The caller can use fence sync objects to synchronise texture content (see
* {@link PAGPlayer#flushAndFenceSync(long[])} and {@link PAGPlayer#waitSync(long)}).
* @see PAGPlayer#flushAndFenceSync(long[])
* @see PAGPlayer#waitSync(long)
public static PAGSurface FromTextureForAsyncThread(int textureID, int width, int height) ;
* Create a PAGSurface from specified OpenGL texture, return null if there is no current OpenGL context or the
* texture is invalid. Note:
* 1. The target of texture must be GL_TEXTURE_2D.
* 2. The texture should not bind to any frameBuffer.
* 3. PAG will use a shared (OpenGL) context with the current.
* 4. The caller can use fence sync objects to synchronise texture content (see
* {@link PAGPlayer#flushAndFenceSync(long[])} and {@link PAGPlayer#waitSync(long)}).
* @see PAGPlayer#flushAndFenceSync(long[])
* @see PAGPlayer#waitSync(long)
public static PAGSurface FromTextureForAsyncThread(int textureID, int width, int height, boolean flipY);
* Returns a bitmap capturing the contents of the PAGSurface. Subsequent rendering of the
* PAGSurface will not be captured.
public native Bitmap makeSnapshot();
PAG 的播放控制类,持有 PAGSurface 和 PAGComposition, 可以通过 setProgress 控制渲染进度, flush 完成当前帧的渲染, 可以通过 getBounds 接口获取各 PAGLayer 相对于 PAGSurface 渲染画布的位置信息, 通过 getLayersUnderPoint 获取特定位置下的所有图层。
// C++
* Returns the current PAGComposition for PAGPlayer to render as content.
std::shared_ptr<PAGComposition> getComposition();
* Sets a new PAGComposition for PAGPlayer to render as content.
* Note: If the composition is already added to another PAGPlayer, it will be removed from the
* previous PAGPlayer.
void setComposition(std::shared_ptr<PAGComposition> newComposition);
* Returns the PAGSurface object for PAGPlayer to render onto.
std::shared_ptr<PAGSurface> getSurface();
* Set the PAGSurface object for PAGPlayer to render onto.
void setSurface(std::shared_ptr<PAGSurface> newSurface);
* Returns the current progress of play position, the value is from 0.0 to 1.0.
double getProgress();
* Sets the progress of play position, the value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. It is applied only when
* the composition is not null.
void setProgress(double percent);
* Apply all pending changes to the target surface immediately. Returns true if the content has
* changed.
bool flush();
* Returns a rectangle that defines the displaying area of the specified layer, which is in the
* coordinate of the PAGSurface.
Rect getBounds(std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer> pagLayer);
* Returns an array of layers that lie under the specified point. The point is in the coordinate
* space of the PAGSurface.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PAGLayer>> getLayersUnderPoint(float surfaceX, float surfaceY);
主要使用在 UI 动画场景,存在 Android、iOS、macOS、Web、微信小程序等平台,iOS 平台继承于 UIView, Andoroid 平台继承于 TextView, PAGView 支持通过本地路径 和 PAGComposition 加载, 调用 play 方法进行播放,内部有一个定时器,同时也提供了 PAGViewListener 的接口监听动画播放的状态,PAGView 内部实现了 PAGPlayer、PAGSurface、PAGComposition 的封装处理。
// 以 iOS 平台为例
@protocol PAGViewListener <NSObject>
* Notifies the start of the animation.
- (void)onAnimationStart:(PAGView*)pagView;
* Notifies the end of the animation.
- (void)onAnimationEnd:(PAGView*)pagView;
* Notifies the cancellation of the animation.
- (void)onAnimationCancel:(PAGView*)pagView;
* Notifies the repetition of the animation.
- (void)onAnimationRepeat:(PAGView*)pagView;
* Notifies the occurrence of another frame of the animation.
- (void)onAnimationUpdate:(PAGView*)pagView;
* Adds a listener to the set of listeners that are sent events through the life of an animation,
* such as start, repeat, and end.
- (void)addListener:(id<PAGViewListener>)listener;
* Removes a listener from the set listening to this animation.
- (void)removeListener:(id<PAGViewListener>)listener;
* Indicates whether or not this pag view is playing.
- (BOOL)isPlaying;
* Start the animation.
- (void)play;
* Stop the animation.
- (void)stop;
PAGDecoder 用于获取 pag 文件的渲染数据,支持通过 PAGComposition 创建,渲染的尺寸和 PAGCompositon 的尺寸一致, 同时增加 sacle 参数支持用户设置渲染尺寸,通过 maxFrameRate 的参数设置最大渲染帧率。 在数据读取层面,支持获取数据为 UIImage 、Bitmap 和 RGBA 数据。
如果 PAGComposition 通过 path 创建(PAGFile 的方法),且没有进行文本编辑、占位图替换和实色图层更换填充颜色,PAGDecoder 渲染的数据支持缓存到本地,下次运行 的时候可以直接加载本地缓存。
// C++
* Creates a PAGDecoder with a PAGComposition, a frame rate limit, and a scale factor for the
* decoded image size. Please only keep an external reference to the PAGComposition if you need to
* modify it in the feature. Otherwise, the internal composition will not be released
* automatically after the associated disk cache is complete, which may cost more memory than
* necessary. Returns nullptr if the composition is nullptr. Note that the returned PAGDecoder may
* become invalid if the associated PAGComposition is added to a PAGPlayer or another PAGDecoder.
static std::shared_ptr<PAGDecoder> MakeFrom(std::shared_ptr<PAGComposition> composition,
float maxFrameRate = 30.0f, float scale = 1.0f);
* Returns the width of decoded image frames.
int width() const {
return _width;
* Returns the height of decoded image frames.
int height() const {
return _height;
* Returns the number of frames in the PAGDecoder. Note that the value may change if the
* associated PAGComposition was modified.
int numFrames();
* Returns the frame rate of decoded image frames. The value may change if the associated
* PAGComposition was modified.
float frameRate();
* Returns true if the frame at the given index has changed since the last readFrame() call. The
* caller should skip the corresponding reading call if the frame has not changed.
bool checkFrameChanged(int index);
* Reads pixels of the image frame at the given index into the specified memory address. Returns
* false if failed. Note that caller must ensure that colorType, alphaType, and dstRowBytes stay
* the same throughout every reading call. Otherwise, it may return false.
bool readFrame(int index, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes,
ColorType colorType = ColorType::RGBA_8888,
AlphaType alphaType = AlphaType::Premultiplied);
* Reads pixels of the image frame at the given index into the specified HardwareBuffer. Returns
* false if failed. Reading image frames into HardwareBuffer usually has better performance than
* reading into memory.
bool readFrame(int index, HardwareBufferRef hardwareBuffer);
PAGDiskCache 用于读取、设置磁盘缓存大小,以及清除磁盘缓存内容。
// C++
* Defines methods to manage the disk cache capabilities.
class PAG_API PAGDiskCache {
* Returns the size limit of the disk cache in bytes. The default value is 1 GB.
static size_t MaxDiskSize();
* Sets the size limit of the disk cache in bytes, which will triggers the cache cleanup if the
* disk usage exceeds the limit. The opened files are not removed immediately, even if their disk
* usage exceeds the limit, and they will be rechecked after they are closed.
static void SetMaxDiskSize(size_t size);
* Removes all cached files from the disk. All the opened files will be also removed after they
* are closed.
static void RemoveAll();
PAGImageView 主要应用于 UI 列表以及页面中含有多个 pag 文件同时渲染的场景。这些场景使用 PAGView 实现时,页面中需要含有 多个 PAGView,每一个 PAGView 都需要有一个 GPU 的渲染环境,任何一个 GPU 渲染的方案都会有一个初始的屏幕缓冲区开销,从而造成 内存占用的增加。PAGImageView 增加了磁盘缓存的功能,针对渲染过的内容,都会缓存到本地,当所有帧的数据缓存完成后, 就会销毁 PAG 的渲染环境,剩余的就是磁盘数据的读取,实现了pag 文件渲染与素材的无关性。如果 pag 文件的相关内容没有被编辑过 (如编辑文本、替换占位图等),下次加载就会直接读取缓存数据,无需创建 PAG 渲染环境。PAGImageView 的缓存支持两种模式:全磁盘和全内存, 默认为全磁盘模式,此时内存占用是最小的,CPU 占用相对较低,全内存模式的 CPU 占用最低,但内存占用较高,适用于对 CPU 占用要求较高、PAG 文件帧数较少的场景。
* If set to true, the PAGImageView loads all image frames into the memory, which will significantly
* increase the rendering performance but may cost lots of additional memory. Use it when you prefer
* rendering speed over memory usage. If set to false, the PAGImageView loads only one image frame
* at a time into the memory. The default value is false.
- (BOOL)cacheAllFramesInMemory;
* Sets the value of the cacheAllFramesInMemory property.
- (void)setCacheAllFramesInMemory:(BOOL)enable;
API 接口层面,PAGImageView 的其它相关接口和 PAGView 类似。
PAGMovie 是企业版的组件,继承自 PAGImage,可以直接替换 PAGImageLayer 的占位图。
// C++
* A movie used to replace the contents of PAGImageLayers in a PAGFile.
class PAG_API PAGMovie : public PAGImage {
* Creates a PAGMovie from the video path, Return null if the file doesn't exist, or it isn't a
* valid video file.
* PAGMovie supports the mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2 and mj2 container formats, and it supports the H264 and H265 encoding formats.
static std::shared_ptr<PAGMovie> MakeFromFile(const std::string& filePath);
* Creates a PAGMovie from the video path, Return null if the file doesn't exist, or it isn't a
* valid video file,or the start time is more than the origin duration of this movie.
* PAGMovie supports the mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2 and mj2 container formats, and it supports the H264 and H265 encoding formats.
static std::shared_ptr<PAGMovie> MakeFromFile(const std::string& filePath, int64_t startTime,
int64_t duration, float speed = 1.0f,
float volume = 1.0f);
* Returns the duration of this movie in microseconds, it applies the speed of PAGMovie.
virtual int64_t duration();
PAGAudioReader 是企业版的组件,用于根据进度读取音频数据,这里的音频数据是 PAG 内置音频数据和 PAGMovie 中音频混合后。
// C++
* Creates a PAGAudioReader to read audio frame.
* @param sampleRate the sample rate of output audio frame
* @param sampleCount the sample count of output audio frame
* @param channels the channel count of output audio frame
* @param volume the volume of output audio frame which is usually in the range [0 - 1.0].
static std::shared_ptr<PAGAudioReader> Make(int sampleRate = 44100, int sampleCount = 1024,
int channels = 2, float volume = 1.0f);
* Sets a new PAGComposition for PAGAudioReader to play as content.
* Note: If the composition is already added to another PAGAudioReader, it will be removed from
* the previous PAGAudioReader.
void setComposition(std::shared_ptr<PAGComposition> newComposition);
* Seeks to the specified target time.
void seek(int64_t toTime);
* Read the next audio frame.
* output format: PCM Signed 16
* if channels == 1, channel layout is MONO
* if channels == 2, channel layout is STEREO
std::shared_ptr<PAGAudioSample> readNextSample();
* Returns false if current composition has audio output, e.g. The PAG File has audio bytes or
* An movie have replaced the contents of PAGImageLayers in a PAGFile
bool isEmpty();
PAGMovieExporter 是 企业版的组件,用于将渲染结果导出成视频,不仅仅包含渲染画面,还包含音频数据。
// C++
* Create a movie Exporter with the specified composition and output movie config.
static std::shared_ptr<PAGMovieExporter> Make(
const std::shared_ptr<PAGComposition>& composition, const PAGExportConfig& config,
std::shared_ptr<PAGMovieExporter::Callback>& callback);
* Start exporting movie asynchronously
void start() = 0;
* Cancel exporting movie
void cancel() = 0;
PAG 运行时编辑
PAG 的运行时编辑主要分为两类:
// C++
std::shared_ptr<pag::PAGFile> ReplaceImageOrText() {
auto pagFile = pag::PAGFile::Load("../../assets/test2.pag");
if (pagFile == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < pagFile->numImages(); i++) {
auto pagImage = pag::PAGImage::FromPath("../../assets/scene.png");
pagFile->replaceImage(i, pagImage);
for (int i = 0; i < pagFile->numTexts(); i++) {
auto textDocumentHandle = pagFile->getTextData(i);
textDocumentHandle->text = "hah哈 哈哈哈哈👌";
pagFile->replaceText(i, textDocumentHandle);
return pagFile;
2) 渲染数编辑 渲染树编辑指的是通过使用 PAGComposition 的相关接口,完成多个图层、多个 pag 文件的自由组合。具体如何使用可以参考下面的代码:
// 以 OC 版本为例
- (PAGComposition *)makeComposition {
PAGComposition* compostion = [PAGComposition Make:self.view.bounds.size];
float itemWidth = self.view.bounds.size.width / 5;
float itemHeight = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
PAGFile* pagFile = [self getPAGFile:i / 5 clume:i % 5 name:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", i] itemWidth:itemWidth itemHeight:itemHeight];
[compostion addLayer:pagFile];
return compostion;
- (PAGFile*)getPAGFile:(int)row clume:(int)colume name:(NSString*)name itemWidth:(float)itemWidth itemHeight:(float)itemHeight {
PAGFile* pagFile = [PAGFile Load:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:name ofType:@"pag"]];
if (pagFile) {
float scaleX = itemWidth * 1.0f / [pagFile width];
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(scaleX, scaleX);
CGAffineTransform tranflate = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(itemWidth * colume, row * itemHeight + 150);
transform = CGAffineTransformConcat(transform, tranflate);
[pagFile setMatrix:transform];
[pagFile setStartTime:0];
[pagFile setDuration:10000000];
return pagFile;
PAG UI 及列表场景使用
当一个页面中含有多个pag 文件时,如果使用多个 PAGView,由于每一个 PAGView 都需要一个独立的渲染环境,内存和 CPU 占用相对较高,推荐的处理方法有两种:
1)通过使用 PAG 的组合模式用将多个 PAG 文件添加到同一个 PAGComposition 中,具体使用方法见运行时编辑,从而将多个渲染环境缩减到一个渲染环境,降低内存和 CPU 占用, 具体可以参考 PAG 的 demo 工程:
2)对于一些 UI 列表场景,需要有多个 View 的存在, pag 文件无法添加到一个 PAGComposition 中,此时可以使用 PAGImageView。可以参考 UI 场景及列表播放优化
PAG 字体注册
PAG 除了支持修改文本图层的文本信息外,还支持修改字体。具体方法如下:
(1)通过 PAGFont 获取字体的相关信息,然后赋值给 PAGText,使用到的接口如下: 获取字体信息
// C++
* Registers a font required by the text layers in pag files, so that they can be rendered as
* designed.
static PAGFont RegisterFont(const std::string& fontPath, int ttcIndex,
const std::string& fontFamily = "",
const std::string& fontStyle = "");
* Registers a font required by the text layers in pag files, so that they can be rendered as
* designed.
static PAGFont RegisterFont(const void* data, size_t length, int ttcIndex,
const std::string& fontFamily = "",
const std::string& fontStyle = "");
PAGFont(std::string fontFamily, std::string fontStyle)
: fontFamily(std::move(fontFamily)), fontStyle(std::move(fontStyle)) {
* A string with the name of the font family.
const std::string fontFamily;
* A string with the style information — e.g., “bold”, “italic”.
const std::string fontStyle;
(2)fontFamlily 和 fontStyle 赋值给 PAGText,PAGText 再填充到 PAGTextLayer 中
// C++
for (int i = 0; i < pagFile->numTexts(); i++) {
auto textDocumentHandle = pagFile->getTextData(i);
textDocumentHandle->text = "hah哈 哈哈哈哈👌";
// Use special font
auto pagFont = pag::PAGFont::RegisterFont("../../resources/font/NotoSansSC-Regular.otf", 0);
textDocumentHandle->fontFamily = pagFont.fontFamily;
textDocumentHandle->fontStyle = pagFont.fontStyle;
pagFile->replaceText(i, textDocumentHandle);
如果使用了特定字体而又没有注册或字体文件中没有包含该字符,PAG 内部(Android、iOS、macOS、Windows 平台)有一个默认字体 列表(同时支持外部设置字体回退列表,外部设置时会覆盖默认设置),会回退到 PAG 的默认字体列表中,此时使用那种字体对于业务方而言是不确定的。
// C++
* Resets the fallback font names. It should be called only once when the application is being
* initialized.
static void SetFallbackFontNames(const std::vector<std::string>& fontNames);
* Resets the fallback font paths. It should be called only once when the application is being
* initialized.
static void SetFallbackFontPaths(const std::vector<std::string>& fontPaths,
const std::vector<int>& ttcIndices);
PAG 视频编辑场景
在视频编辑场景,使用的不是 PAGView,而是 PAGPlayer、PAGSurface 和 PAGComposition。
PAGSurface 可以通过 CVPixelBufferRef 或纹理创建,方便快捷的与视频后编辑中的 CVPixelBuffer 或 纹理进行整合。同时 PAGImage 也支持通过 CVPixelBufferRef 或 纹理创建,通过 PAGPlayer 控制播放进度,将视频内容填充进图片图层的占位图。
// OC
* Creates a PAGImage object from the specified CVPixelBuffer, return null if the CVPixelBuffer is
* invalid.
+ (PAGImage*)FromPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer;
// java
public static PAGImage FromTexture(int textureID, int textureTarget, int width, int height);
public static PAGImage FromTexture(int textureID, int textureTarget, int width, int height, boolean flipY);
如果需要导出视频,可以使用 PAG 企业版。
PAG 软解注入
为什么会有软解注入?PAG 的导出方式中支持 BMP 预合成导出,在 pag 文件中,如果含有 BMP 预合成,一个 BMP 预合成相当于 一个视频,视频则需要解码。 在 PAG SDK 中默认使用硬件解码,但硬件解码存在两个问题:
2)Android 平台由于机型兼容性、碎片化验证,不能保证所有的机型都能硬件解码成功,因此 Android 平台软解是必须的。
于是,在提供的制品库中, iOS 平台由于没有兼容性的问题,默认是不带软解的,Android 提供了两个包,普通的包默认是内置软解的,noffavc 的包是没有内置软解的。 具体怎么注入软解呢:Android 平台可以选择完整制品库,iOS 平台可以引入 ffavc 。
pod 'ffavc'
// OC
-(void)registerSoftwareDecoder {
// 注册软件解码器工厂指针
auto factory = ffavc::DecoderFactory::GetHandle();
[PAGVideoDecoder RegisterSoftwareDecoderFactory:(void*)factory];
如果接入方自己的 APP 中已经内置了软解库,可以通过外部注入的方式注入软解。 PAG 官网提供了下面这个软解注入接口,需要业务方基于自己的解码器实现,PAG BMP 预合成中的视频编码格式为 h264。
PAG 服务端渲染
和 Lottie、SVGA 不同的是,PAG 支持服务端渲染,尽管 PAG 的渲染依赖 OpenGL 环境,但 服务端却可以继续使用 CPU 服务器。 具体实现层面,PAG 通过 swiftshader 在 CPU 服务器上构建出了 OpenGL 环境,使得 pag 文件可以在 CPU 环境中正常渲染。 在服务端的具体使用如下,获取到的是 BGRA 的数据,该数据可以用于视频编码。
// C++
auto pagFile = pag::PAGFile::Load("../../assets/test2.pag");
auto pagSurface = pag::PAGSurface::MakeOffscreen(pagFile->width(), pagFile->height());
if (pagSurface == nullptr) {
printf("---pagSurface is nullptr!!!\n");
return -1;
auto pagPlayer = new pag::PAGPlayer();
auto totalFrames = TimeToFrame(pagFile->duration(), pagFile->frameRate());
auto currentFrame = 0;
int bytesLength = pagFile->width() * pagFile->height() * 4;
while (currentFrame <= totalFrames) {
pagPlayer->setProgress(currentFrame * 1.0 / totalFrames);
auto status = pagPlayer->flush();
// PAG 渲染数据读取
auto data = new uint8_t[bytesLength];
pagSurface->readPixels(pag::ColorType::BGRA_8888, pag::AlphaType::Premultiplied, data,
pagFile->width() * 4);
delete[] data;
delete pagPlayer;