Class TextDocument


  • TextDocument


applyFill: boolean

When true, the text layer shows a fill.

applyStroke: boolean

When true, the text layer shows a stroke.

baselineShift: number
boxText: boolean

When true, the text layer is paragraph (bounded) text.

boxTextPos: Readonly<Point>
boxTextSize: Readonly<Point>

For box text, the pixel dimensions for the text bounds.

firstBaseLine: number
fauxBold: boolean
fauxItalic: boolean
fillColor: Readonly<Color>

The text layer’s fill color.

fontFamily: string

A string with the name of the font family.

fontStyle: string

A string with the style information — e.g., “bold”, “italic”.

fontSize: number

The text layer’s font size in pixels.

strokeColor: Readonly<Color>

The text layer’s stroke color.

strokeOverFill: boolean

Indicates the rendering order for the fill and stroke of a text layer.

strokeWidth: number

The text layer’s stroke thickness.

text: string

The text layer’s Source Text value.

justification: ParagraphJustification

The paragraph justification for the text layer.

leading: number

The space between lines, 0 indicates 'auto', which is fontSize * 1.2

tracking: number

The text layer’s spacing between characters.

backgroundColor: Readonly<Color>

The text layer’s background color

backgroundAlpha: number

The text layer’s background alpha. 0 = 100% transparent, 255 = 100% opaque.

direction: TextDirection
delete: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void


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