Class PAGComposition



  • Set the width and height of the Composition.


    • width: number
    • height: number

    Returns void

  • Returns the number of child layers of this composition.

    Returns number

  • Returns the index position of a child layer.


    The index position of the child layer to identify.


    • pagLayer: PAGLayer

      The layer instance to identify.

    Returns number

  • Changes the position of an existing child layer in the composition. This affects the layering of child layers.


    • pagLayer: PAGLayer

      The child layer for which you want to change the index number.

    • index: number

      The resulting index number for the child layer.

    Returns number

  • Add a PAGLayer to current PAGComposition at the top. If you add a layer that already has a different PAGComposition object as a parent, the layer is removed from the other PAGComposition object.


    Returns boolean

  • Add a PAGLayer to current PAGComposition at the top. If you add a layer that already has a different PAGComposition object as a parent, the layer is removed from the other PAGComposition object.


    Returns boolean

  • Swap the layers at the specified index.


    • index1: number
    • index2: number

    Returns void

  • The audio data of this composition, which is an AAC audio in an MPEG-4 container.

    Returns null | Uint8Array

  • Indicates when the first frame of the audio plays in the composition's timeline.

    Returns number

  • A matrix object containing values that alter the scaling, rotation, and translation of the layer. Altering it does not change the animation matrix, and it will be concatenated to current animation matrix for displaying.

    Returns Matrix

  • Set the alpha of the layer, which will be concatenated to the current animation opacity for displaying.


    • opacity: Number

    Returns void

  • Ranges from 0 to PAGFile.numTexts - 1 if the layer type is text, or from 0 to PAGFile.numImages -1 if the layer type is image, otherwise returns -1.

    Returns number

  • Converts the time from the PAGLayer's (local) timeline to the PAGSurface (global) timeline. The time is in microseconds.


    • localTime: number

    Returns number

  • Converts the time from the PAGSurface (global) to the PAGLayer's (local) timeline timeline. The time is in microseconds.


    • globalTime: number

    Returns number

  • The duration of the layer in microseconds, indicates the length of the visible range.

    Returns number

  • The start time of the layer in microseconds, indicates the start position of the visible range in parent composition. It could be negative value.

    Returns number

  • The current time of the layer in microseconds, the layer is invisible if currentTime is not in the visible range (startTime <= currentTime < startTime + duration).

    Returns number

  • Set the progress of play position, the value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. A value of 0.0 represents the frame at startTime. A value of 1.0 represents the frame at the end of duration.


    • percent: number

    Returns void

  • Indicate whether this layer is excluded from parent's timeline. If set to true, this layer's current time will not change when parent's current time changes.

    Returns boolean



wasmIns: any
isDestroyed: boolean = false

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