PAGFile Class Reference

Inherits from PAGComposition : PAGLayer : NSObject
Declared in PAGFile.h

+ MaxSupportedTagLevel

The maximum tag level current SDK supports.

+ (uint16_t)MaxSupportedTagLevel

Declared In


+ Load:

Load a pag file from the specified path, return null if the file does not exist or the data is not a pag file. Note: All PAGFiles loaded by the same path share the same internal cache. The internal cache is alive until all PAGFiles are released. Use ‘[PAGFile Load:size:]’ instead if you don’t want to load a PAGFile from the intenal caches.

+ (PAGFile *)Load:(NSString *)path

Declared In


+ LoadAsync:completionBlock:

Asynchronously load a PAG file from the specific path, a block with PAGFile will be called when loading is complete.

+ (void)LoadAsync:(NSString *)path completionBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( PAGFile *))callback

Declared In


+ Load:size:

Load a pag file from byte data, return null if the bytes is empty or it’s not a valid pag file.

+ (PAGFile *)Load:(const void *)bytes size:(size_t)length

Declared In


– tagLevel

The tag level this pag file requires.

- (uint16_t)tagLevel

Declared In


– numTexts

The number of editable texts.

- (int)numTexts

Declared In


– numImages

The number of replaceable images.

- (int)numImages

Declared In


– numVideos

The number of video compositions.

- (int)numVideos

Declared In


– path

The path string of this file, returns empty string if the file is loaded from byte stream.

- (NSString *)path

Declared In


– getTextData:

Get a text data of the specified index. The index ranges from 0 to numTexts - 1. Note: It always returns the default text data.

- (PAGText *)getTextData:(int)editableTextIndex

Declared In


– replaceText:data:

Replace the text data of the specified index. The index ranges from 0 to PAGFile.numTexts - 1. Passing in null for the textData parameter will reset it to default text data.

- (void)replaceText:(int)editableTextIndex data:(PAGText *)value

Declared In


– replaceImage:data:

Replace the image data of the specified index. The index ranges from 0 to PAGFile.numImages - 1. Passing in null for the image parameter will reset it to default image data.

- (void)replaceImage:(int)editableImageIndex data:(PAGImage *)value

Declared In


– replaceImageByName:data:

Replace the image data of the specified layer name. Passing in null for the image parameter will reset it to default image data.

- (void)replaceImageByName:(NSString *)layerName data:(PAGImage *)value

Declared In


– getLayersByEditableIndex:layerType:

Return an array of layers by specified editable index and layer type.

- (NSArray<PAGLayer*> *)getLayersByEditableIndex:(int)index layerType:(PAGLayerType)type

Declared In


– getEditableIndices:

Returns the indices of the editable layers in this PAGFile. If the editableIndex of a PAGLayer is not present in the returned indices, the PAGLayer should not be treated as editable.

- (NSArray<NSNumber*> *)getEditableIndices:(PAGLayerType)layerType

Declared In


– timeStretchMode

Indicate how to stretch the original duration to fit target duration when file’s duration is changed. The default value is PAGTimeStretchMode::Repeat.

- (PAGTimeStretchMode)timeStretchMode

Declared In


– seTimeStretchMode:

Set the timeStretchMode of this file.

- (void)seTimeStretchMode:(PAGTimeStretchMode)value

Declared In


– setDuration:

Set the duration of this PAGFile. Passing a value less than or equal to 0 resets the duration to its default value.

- (void)setDuration:(int64_t)duration

Declared In


– copyOriginal

Make a copy of the original file, any modification to current file has no effect on the result file.

- (PAGFile *)copyOriginal

Declared In
